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Strategic Planning

Grow Your Business

Strategic Planning

/Business Strategy

  • Is the annual strategic plan development process a mad rush?

  • ​Are the marketing and business strategies at cross purposes?

  • Is the team challenged to find game changing ideas to drive growth?

  • Do you wish you could step back and build a strategy that positions the organization for the future? Does the organization fully understand the options/scenarios and the associated costs/benefits?

  • ​Do we adequately differentiate between the ‘right to play’ (what are the table stakes and key success factors) and the ‘right to win’ (what is our competitive advantage)?


Strategic planning and deployment is the core process that enables companies to choose, prioritize, focus and align their teams and resources around high impact decisions and drive industry beating performance and results. Utilizing WaxWing Group’s proprietary 7 Step Strategic Planning Process (SPP) we can quickly guide the team on developing the best fit strategy that is grounded in analysis and in the realities facing the organization. We follow our proprietary 7-step process with a strong focus on data and fact driven analyses, implementation, monitoring and institutionalization of growth/change. We work with you from developing an actionable strategy to implementation. 

As former business leaders we developed and owned several annual operating plans and strategic roadmaps, and we implicitly understand the interplay between business and marketing strategies, and the dynamics around clients' internal approvals cycle. We work the process on a cadence bringing along the organization and ensuring everyone is on the ‘same page’. A robust SPP is the most effective way to maximize organization’s focus, time, and resources.


We also run targeted growth oriented workshops that not only aim to identify the strategic direction for the future but also bring the leadership together in commitment for the shared agenda.


We can get in the trenches with you or we can take your top management team through a defined offsite workshop.

Give us a call to discuss how we can help develop a high impact strategic plan and execute a growth agenda for your business.

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